Neon Carnival, the legendary late-night dance party of the year made its triumphant return to the Desert International Horse Park celebrating its thirteenth year. Created by LA’s original nightlife mastermind Brent Bolthouse and producing partner Jeffrey Best, this year’s 13th exclusive celebration came to life for one night only. Presented by Liquid I.V. in association with PATRÓN EL ALTO and The Levi’s® Brand, the after-party returned with a vibrant new chapter; upping the ante on musical talent with an
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Invite Only – Neon Carnival, the legendary late-night dance party synonymous with high-energy entertainment, electrifying performances and a star-studded guest list is thrilled to announce its triumphant return for its thirteenth year to the desert’s most celebrated music festival on Saturday, April 13 for one night only. Created by LA’s original nightlife mastermind Brent Bolthouse, the iconic after-party returns with a vibrant new chapter with Anderson .Paak aka DJ Pee
Invite Only – LA’s original nightlife maven Brent Bolthouse is bringing Neon Carnival back upon the desert night sky to illuminate once again on Saturday, April 15. This year’s exclusive invite-only party will be presented by iconic denim brand Levi’s, back to headline the event alongside Mexico’s original luxury tequila, Tequila Don Julio.
Neon Carnival made its triumphant return and descended upon the desert night sky to illuminate once again on Saturday, April 16. The coveted after-party celebrated its 11-year anniversary exclusively on weekend one of the highly-anticipated desert festival. With continued involvement from the biggest names in entertainment and consumer lifestyle, including the return Levi’s, back to headline the event alongside Tequila Don Julio. This year’s exclusive invite-only fête welcomed new brand
Invite Only – One of the best parties of the year is finally back in the Coachella Valley with a special Paris Hilton activation, Levi’s-branded ferris wheel, Don Julio, and tunes by DJ Ruckus, Kayper, and Mel Debarge.
Neon Carnival, the highly anticipated desert experience, returned to illuminate the night sky on Saturday, April 13th, with its biggest fête to date in celebration of its 10-year anniversary. In partnership with Levi’s® Brand, the exclusive event welcomed new additions including Australian born beauty brand Bondi Sands and the upcoming big-screen adventure POKÉMON Detective Pikachu to commemorate another year of music and festivities. Conceived by LA’s original nightlife maven, Brent
Invite Only – Conceived by LA’s original nightlife maven, Brent Bolthouse and partner Jeffrey Best, the duo have created the unrivaled outdoor dance party that is widely recognized as one of the world’s most coveted after-parties, annually attracting the industries entertainment elite. Adding to this year’s excitement is the Neon Carnival’s inaugural debut during weekend 3, at the desert’s hottest Country music fest on Saturday, April 27.
Invite Only – LA’s original nightlife maven Brent Bolthouse has just announced that Neon Carnival will return for its 10-year anniversary on Saturday, April 13, during music’s most celebrated festival. Adding to this year’s excitement is the Neon Carnival’s inaugural debut during weekend 3, at the desert’s hottest Country music fest on Saturday, April 27. This year’s exclusive invite-only party will be presented by the Levi’s® Brand, Bondi Sands and
Neon Carnival returned for the ninth consecutive year to Thermal, California on Saturday, April 14. The invite-only outdoors dance fête, widely recognized as one of the most coveted after-parties of the year created by famed LA nightlife Maven, Brent Bolthouse returned once again to light up the desert sky. Brent Bolthouse created this magical night from a launch party that he threw at Magic Mountain 12 years ago. The event
Thursday April 12th 10 a.m. Open adidas Coachella Pop Up in Honor of the Early Release of Ultraboost Clima 5 p.m. Ticketed Adult Swim x Desert Gold at the Ace Hotel 8 p.m. Invite Only Dior’s Sauvage Cologne Launch Party at Pioneertown Motel 8 p.m. Invite Only. YSL Beauty Festival with Halsey 8 p.m. Invite Only #hotelREVOLVE Welcome Reception hosted by LPA 9 p.m. Open The Do-Over x Shabbaaaaa Desert