We have found the solution to your social needs Los Angeles, and it is called SURKUS. In a city that has an endless amount of activities, it can be tough to pinpoint where and what you should be doing. When you create your SURKUS profile that is connected to your facebook and instagram, SURKUS will find events that might be of interest to you, where you can explore new things and meet new people. Their system takes into account your interests on facebook and your location and applies it to events that you might want to partake in. They are coining the term crowdcasting – which means “changing the way people experience the world”.
To get more depth on this revolutionary concept, we met with CEO & Co-Founder Forest Zukerman and Chief Creative Officer Jin Woo Yu at their offices off of Hollywood Blvd. Forest got the idea for SURKUS when he invested in a nightclub in Austin, Texas and realized that spending advertising money on flyers and promoters ended up bringing back the same crowd of people. He realized that there must be a more efficient way to use advertising money. SURKUS gives the opportunity for users to go to places that they wouldn’t normally go to and meet new people, while getting paid.
Just this past Monday, SURKUS crowdcasted for Afrojack’s newest music video, where 30 very lucky users attended and got paid $150 on top of it. Jin Woo Yu, who is also in charge of Jazz Night at The W Hollywood, said that for one of their events, Justin Bieber showed up unannounced and sang a Boys to Men song. I highly value what SURKUS is adding to the social format, because it is making people step out of their social media filled world and experience new venues and new people. SURKUS is great if you are new to a city, visiting a city, or just need new activities to do in a city, you will not regret downloading it.
Tags: Afrojack, Boys to Men, crowdcasting, Forest Zukerman, Hollywood Blvd, Jazz Night W Hollywood, Jin Woo Yu, Justin Bieber, LA Guestlist, Los Angeles, Surkus
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