REVOLVE, the leading online retailer serving fashion-savvy millennial consumers, managed to throw one of the most memorable Coachella parties last year at the REVOLVE Desert house filled with celebrities and influencers. For their second year making waves around the festival, REVOLVE is going for an even bigger and better program. Before we jump into actual Coachella weekend, REVOLVE is making sure that you are dressed to impressed from head-to-toe with
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All of the Coachella events that we attended were great, but one stood out from the rest, especially since it was their first year throwing their own event. Premium Online Retailer REVOLVE took over the old Lacoste Coachella Playground to create a two day experience of their own with the REVOLVE Desert House. Over the course of the two days, an uncountable number of celebrities stopped by to soak up
Thursday April 14th 8 p.m. RSVP Culture Collide’s Annual Not a Pool Party 9 p.m. Invite Only. FLAUNT X AG: Coachella FOREPLAY 9 p.m. Open 143 + the Do-Over at Coachella Friday April 15th 12 pm – 4 pm Invite Only. Republic Records Coachella Party 12 pm – 4 pm Invite Only. Amuse Society: Festival Kick-Off Party 12 pm – 5 pm Invite Only. Bisous Magazine Estate Party 12 pm
Invite Only – Revolve Desert House is taking over Indio, CA all weekend long during Coachella weekend with special performances and DJ sets.