On Wednesday, March 7th, Opening Ceremony presented its Spring 2018 runway show, entitled “The Happiest Show on Earth,” on the iconic grounds of Disneyland in Anaheim, California, which was inspired by Mickey Mouse, the true original who celebrates his ninetieth anniversary this year. Carol Lim and Humberto Leon of Opening Ceremony showcase their new collection and reveal their Disney collaboration inspired by True Original, Mickey’ Mouse. The show featured a
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Guests were excited to fête the launch of the new #LetsBeHonest campaign, day-in-the life film hosted by Jessica Alba, Humberto Leon and InStyle. The #LetsBeHonest day-in-the-life film showcases the many real looks of Jessica Alba shot from the unique perspective of her must-have beauty products. The film is an invitation for women everywhere to capture and share their own looks on the Honest Beauty app. “Honest Beauty isn’t about defining