Invite Only – Initiated by Kelley in 1999, the Kandors series comprises numerous representations of Superman’s birthplace, the city of Kandor. The popular Superman story recounts the adventures of an alien being sent to Earth as a baby to escape the total destruction of his home planet, Krypton. However, it turns out that Kandor was not, in fact, destroyed. Shrunk and bottled by the villainous Braniac, the futuristic city was later
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Last Thursday night, The Los Angeles Times launched LA Foodbowl, a month long festival celebrating the city’s dynamic food scene and promoting awareness about food waste and hunger. The kick-off event took place in the beautiful outdoor space at Hauser & Wirth also home to Manuela, one of the restaurants featured that night. Other restaurants including, Orsa & Winston, Rice Bar, Chengdu Taste, Sqirl, Guelaquetza, and Baohaus were all catering