On Tuesday August, 18 Samsung revealed #TheNextBestThing. Celebrating the release of the new Galaxy S6 Edge+ and Galaxy Note5 smartphones with a private event tucked away in West Hollywood. Complimentary valet, an open bar and unlimited hors d’oeuvres laid the framework for an evening of social entertainment. Samsung phones have an abundance of cool and customizable features, but what these devices are hailed for most is their camera quality. Taking
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Models and luxury cars, that was the theme of the night at Karma International’s Black & White Bentley Affair where Michael Costello debuted his fashion show of high fashion evening gowns which took place at Bentley Beverly Hills on Saturday, May 16, 2015. Michael Costello officially launched his career on Lifetime’s Project Runway, Season 8. Later, he continued to embrace us with his wunderkind designs on Project Runway All Stars,