On Wednesday, February 28th, Fashion House Chanel hosted a lavish cocktail party to debut the Chanel Beauty House located off of Sunset Boulevard in the midst of Oscar week. Chanel is going all out to celebrate their new use-generated beauty instagram @WELOVECOCO. Named after the brand’s founder, Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel, the @WELOVECOCO page will repost a wide range of beauty content created by its U.S. community, and aims to activate
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RSVP – Explore colour at the CHANEL Beauty House in Los Angeles from March 1-4, 2018. In celebration of @welovecoco, a new Instagram community dedicated exclusively to user-generated content (UGC) with the public debut of @welovecoco, the U.S. Beauty Instagram page. The brand will host a four-day beauty event that offers the Los Angeles community privileged access to one of Hollywood’s most iconic addresses. Free and open to the public,