On Wednesday evening, celebrities, influencers, and art fans gathered to celebrate the opening of the Tradesy Showroom in Santa Monica where the brand debuted their new space and the “Tradesy x Illma Gore” collection of one-of-a-kind objets d’arts with a fashionable twist. Westworld starlet, Evan Rachel Wood, dropped by to fete to the opening and posed next to a fully-functioning $100,000 golden toilet covered in Louis Vuitton leathers, created by
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Open – To celebrate 10 years, Sprinkles will gift a free cupcake to every customer all day on April 13 at its shops nationwide. The Mayor of Beverly Hills, Dr. Julian Gold, will host a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Beverly Hills bakery with the Nelsons at 10am. Additionally, Sprinkles is debuting the Sprinkle, a cheery birthday cake loaded with rainbow sprinkles.