Last night in Los Angeles, actress and model Kate Upton attended Studio SVEDKA at Siren Studios, celebrating SVEDKA Vodka’s bold new flavor, Blue Raspberry. Upton dressed in a blue Roland Mouret dress with YSL shoes, enjoyed a performance by pop sensation Erika Jayne and a DJ set by actress and singer Rumer Willis dressed in a pink Styland blazer, Zac Posen top, Naked Wardrobe skirt and Louboutin shoes. Throughout the night, guests sipped on signature SVEDKA Blue Raspberry cocktails, snacked on treats passed by electro-retro roller girls and indulged in bright blue and pink SVEDKA-spiked ice cream. In-between Erika’s performance, attendees also checked out the Overheard LA photo booth to create and share custom @overheardla memes.
Tags: Blue Raspberry, Erika Jayne, Kate Upton, LA Guestlist, Los Angeles, Overheard LA, Roland Mouret, Siren Studios, Studio SVEDKA, SVEDKA, SVEDKA Vodka
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