On Monday, May 22, 2017 the critically acclaimed design duo Wolk Morais, created by Brian Wolk and Claude Morais, staged their Collection 5 fashion show in one of Hollywood’s most legendary locations, Yamashiro. From Dietrich to Travolta, Hollywood’s portrayal of gender archetypes and antitypes laid the aesthetic foundation to build Collection 5. Classical men’s tailoring and details, juxtaposed with feathers and flous, provided the magnetic poles through which this truly Los Angeles-centric collection was created. Guest in attendance included Natasha Bassett, Jada Facer, Joanne Froggatt, Isabelle Fuhrman, Ana Golja, Skylar Grey, Skai Jackson, Natalie Joos, Adelaide Kane, Chandler Kinney, George Kotsiopoulos, Beejan Land, AJ Michalka, Aly Michalka, Perrey Reeves, Ryan Rottman, Ava Sambora, Victoria Summer, Joe Zee, and more. Wolk Morais partnered with Teen Cancer America to help raise awareness and support for the organization’s mission of helping young Americans defeat cancer in style and with dignity. The fashion show included a cloisonné awareness pin designed by Brian Wolk and Claude Morais, which will also be available for purchase via the Teen Cancer America Online Boutique later this summer. The Wolk Morais Collection 5 Fashion Show was generously sponsored by John Paul Mitchell Systems and Bite Beauty.
Tags: AJ Michalka, Aly Michalka, Bite Beauty, Brian Wolk, Claude Morais, Collection 5, Isabelle Fuhrman, John Paul Mitchell Systems, Skylar Grey, Teen Cancer America, Wolk Morais, Wolk Morais Collection 5, Yamashiro
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