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6 Effective Pieces Of Advice To Stop Feeling Stuck And Do Better In Your Life

Sometimes life can become predictable; we seem to be going round and round in circles. Every day there may be little change to our routines. Alternatively, we may keep hitting brick walls in our lives, feeling unable to overcome or move on.

Fortunately, there are many ways that people can take control of their lives. It really is possible to break free from vicious circles of addictions, bad habits, and negative mindsets. People can change from being unfit and overweight, or depressed and blaming others. We will now discuss six pieces of wisdom that can help you turn your life around.

1. Do Today What You Can Do Tomorrow

This relates to all the tasks you should be doing, but keep procrastinating. It applies especially to the things that are worrying you or making you feel overwhelmed. If it’s a pile of ironing, imagine how you will feel once you’ve ‘slain the giant’ and got it out of the way.

If you’re at work and have ten things to do, prioritize them in number order. Then do the most urgent task first (rather than the easy or quick ones). For help with procrastination and anxiety disorder it’s worth researching online. You can discover tools for doing what scares you or keeps you stuck in life. They range from avoiding distractions to limiting your exposure to the things you most fear.

2. Seek Outside Help

Therapists are able to help people understand why they struggle with things and to provide tools for overcoming them. Life coaches can also be highly useful: they help people identify their goals and provide strategies and tools to achieve them.

Don’t choose someone with the same issues or limitations that you have, or you won’t move on. Instead, find people who are already living your dream or who are further down the line than you are.

3. Schedule Regular ‘You Time’

If this sounds selfish, it could be symptomatic that you are struggling with all your responsibilities. You may be a busy parent who spends all their time helping everyone else. You may be constantly working, helping the kids with homework, tidying the house, and cooking. If you have boundaries time to yourself, you will do all these other things better and easier.

You need to decide what brings you life. It may be spending time watching a chick flick while you go into ‘neutral mode.’ It could be a walk in the park to appreciate nature and clear your head. Alternatively, you may need some time to be creative with music or art.

4. Retrain Your Brain

Feelings are not facts, and a lot of the negative thoughts that you have aren’t the real you. They may be unhelpful things that were said to you in the past by school bullies or even your parents. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy enables people to identify the unhelpful thoughts they experience and to create positive replacements. Once a person has become disciplined in using their new mental scripts they will be able to think, feel and act differently.

If you practice mindfulness, it can help you become distanced from your negative thoughts and feelings. You will become focused on the present moment instead of the past or future. People who become proficient say they are able to observe their thoughts and feelings objectively, just as you could with passing clouds.

5. Create A Dreams List

Everyone has longings and dreams but they sometimes struggle to communicate them. It could be a new job or qualification, a desire to be good at tennis, or a longing to get married. The aim is to discover what you really enjoy or want and to find ways to achieve it.

Big dreams need to be broken down into smaller steps. If someone wants to move abroad they could write a project list of timescales and actions to help the dream become a reality.

6. Eat, Sleep And Exercise Well

People are more than just brains! Our bodies and minds are fundamentally connected, and what affects one will influence the other. If someone is overweight and unfit they will lack the mojo to make a change. In contrast, healthy lifestyles produce people who feel up for a challenge and who are ready to take the next step.

This article has hopefully given you some tools that you can use to dramatically change your life. Your past doesn’t need to dictate your future, and today could be a good day for you! Why not put a plan together, and take your first steps towards a new life?