5 Reasons Why Cleansing Your Skin Is So Important + Best Hair Treatment For Your Inner Flower Child
If you’ve been feeling down in the dumps we have the pick-me up you have been looking for! Brains and beauty. Educate yourself and indulge with the STEAM Hair Treatment and STEAM’s Hand Wash Gift Set. Both of these beauty treatments lavish your body with ingredients from the earth that make you feel happy, healthy, and bring relief to irritated skin, scalp, and hair while locking out harmful germs. To quench your curious mind’s thirst, we also had resident boss babe, co-creator of STEAM’s THC:CBD formulas, and respected L.A. Hair Salon owner Carla Gentile break down 5 reasons why cleansing your skin is so important.
The Hair Treatment Your Inner Flower Child Has Been Dreaming Of
“First, dispense two pumps of the High Healing Hair & Scalp Oil ($38 for 2 oz) to your palm and apply to your wet hair. Wrap your hair and let the oil sit and absorb into for at least 20 minutes while you read a book or flip through your favorite magazine. Next, lightly rinse out the oil in the shower and apply the Active Botanicals Shampoo ($38 for 8oz) to your hair. Massage the nutrients to your scalp and let it sit for 3-5 minutes. Then apply Rich Recharge Conditioner ($38 8oz) and repeat. Make sure to let the ingredients sit long enough to truly hydrate your hair. These products moisturize roots to tips, soothes dry scalp, reduces frizz, adds shine, and balances your hair.” – Carla Gentile, co-founder at STEAM
Rinse and relax!
Next! Incorporate STEAM’s Hand Wash Gift Set into your cleansing regime STAT. Nab a set for the mom in your life on Mother’s Day while you’re at it. Why is this so important? Here are not one, but five, reasons why cleansing your skin is the best thing you can do for your body right now.
1. Cleansing your skin is the only way to remove: Germs, Dirt, Excess Oil, Sweat, Odor, Products, like makeup, and Dead Skin.
2. Produces bacteria-fighting “sebum”: Tiny glands under your skin produce a light yellow, oily substance called sebum which moisturizes and protects your skin. When you properly cleans your skin, whether that’s scalp, face or body, sebum protects your skin. The tiny hair follicles on your skin also allow this oily substance to reach the surface and create a protective barrier that prevents the penetration of harmful bacteria. Excessive dirt and buildups cause blockages of your follicles, which to your detriment, traps sebum, sweat, and dead skin cells, causing inflammation (much like acne).
3. Cleansing boosts hydration. Regular cleansing helps manage pH levels of your skin, which enables sufficient water and product retention.
4. Maintains good skin. Good cleansing products are important to remove the build-up on your skin so it can then deliver essential nutrients in your cleansers.
5. When cleansing is supercharged with cannabis:
– Helps to manage anti-aging treatments
– Helps maintain proper pore size
– Encourages proper hydration
– Prevents the production of excess oils
STEAM is here to empower you and your readers with natural, cannabis-enhanced formulations and self-love. CBD-only formulas are available nationwide for every item listed. The THC and CBD combined formulas are available in California dispensaries.