On Tuesday, June 26, critically acclaimed fashion design duo Wolk Morais launched their “Collection 7” with a fashion show at The Jeremy Hotel. Inspired by the “California Cool” movement, Collection 7 delves into the modern, geometric, color-focused art of Los Angeles painters of the 1940s, 50s, and 60s. This group’s playful indifference to the east coast art world inspired the collection’s relaxed yet measured approach to form, color, and graphic tailoring. The day also marked the opening of their shop-in-shop at Fred Segal Sunset, marking the first time the pieces from the label will be available to the public in Los Angeles. The shop launched with some of the most popular items from “Collection 6,” which was featured in a fashion show earlier this year and has since been worn by the likes of Jessica Chastain, Janelle Monae, and Zoey Deutch. The Wolk Morais line will also be on display in the iconic Fred Segal windows on Sunset Boulevard from the June 26th through July 12th. Wolk Morais once again partnered with Teen Cancer America to help raise awareness and support for the organization’s mission of helping young Americans defeat cancer in style and with dignity. The Wolk Morais Collection 7 Fashion Show continued its creative partnership with John Paul Mitchell Systems, and featured styling by Elizabeth Stewart. Mark Cross provided fine leather handbags for the show. This season’s show featured a specially created installation by sculptor Bruno Billio, a Canadian artist whose artistic practice is informed by the active displacement and staging of the found object.
Tags: Bruno Billio, California Cool, Chandler Kinney, Collection 7, Fred Segal Sunset, Georgie Flores, Isabelle Fuhrman, Jeremy Hotel, John Paul Mitchell Systems, Katherine McNamara, LA Guestlist, Los Angeles, Mark Cross, Sunset Boulevard, Teen Cancer America, Willow Shields, Wolk Morais
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