For the eighth year in a row, Veuve Clicquot, alongside world-renowned polo player Nacho Figueras, welcomed more than 6,000 Angelenos, celebrities and polo enthusiasts to the beautiful Will Rogers State Historic Park to celebrate a beautiful afternoon with champagne. The festivities kicked off on a beautiful sunny day on Saturday, October 14 with Lauren Duski from The Voice singing the National Anthem and Bella Heathcote throwing out the ceremonial polo
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Jared Eng, from Just Jared, hosted his annual Halloween party themed “Psych Ward” at fun spot No Vacancy. No Vacancy is one of the best venues to throw a Halloween party, since the venue itself has an old haunted vibe, where you must go through one of the rooms and talk to a mistress to finally make it into the bar. The party consisted of great live activations by Guitar