Crosscreek Entertainment presented the launch of The Awakening Sea, a thrilling science adventure book series with a strong ocean conservation message, by coming-of-age author Rowena Patterson on Thursday, July 27. Held at a private residence in Malibu and hosted by Gabrielle Reece, the evening featured specialty Beach Whiskey Co. cocktails and light bites. Gabrielle Reece attended the sunset event with her two beautiful daughters, Reece and Brody Hamilton. The event’s
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Invite Only – Coming-of-age author, Rowena Patterson presents the launch of “The Awakening Sea,” a thrilling science adventure book series with a strong ocean conservation message on Thursday, July 27. Held at a private residence in Malibu and hosted by Gabrielle Reece and big-wave surfer husband, Laird Hamilton, the evening will feature cocktails and light bites. For every book sale, $1 will be donated to benefit the Sea Shepherd Conservation