Neon Carnival, the legendary late-night dance party of the year made its triumphant return to the Desert International Horse Park celebrating its thirteenth year. Created by LA’s original nightlife mastermind Brent Bolthouse and producing partner Jeffrey Best, this year’s 13th exclusive celebration came to life for one night only. Presented by Liquid I.V. in association with PATRÓN EL ALTO and The Levi’s® Brand, the after-party returned with a vibrant new chapter; upping the ante on musical talent with an
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Ticketed – iHeartRadio has announced the lineup for the 2019 Wango Tango, presented by the JUVÉDERM Collection of Dermal Fillers show in Los Angeles Hosted by Ryan Seacrest with Taylor Swift, Jonas Brothers, Halsey, 5 Seconds Of Summer, Zedd, Ally Brooke with Special Guest Tyga, Ava Max, FLETCHER, TOMORROW X TOGETHER & More.
Ticketed – KIIS FM’s Jingle Ball 2017, Presented by Capital One®, takes place on Friday, December 1, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. at The Forum. Ryan Seacrest, host of KIIS FM’s top rated “On Air with Ryan Seacrest” morning show, officially announced the all-star performers for the KIIS FM Jingle Ball 2017 which will include: Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, The Chainsmokers, Sam Smith, Demi Lovato, Niall Horan, Kesha, Liam Payne, Halsey,
On April 2nd, 2016, the 27th Annual GLAAD Media Awards took place at the Beverly Hilton with returning host Ross Mathews. The GLAAD media award is an accolade bestowed upon various branches of the media for their outstanding presentations of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and the issues that affect their lives. Taylor Swift surprised everyone when she arrived on stage to present the Stephen F Kolzack Award.
Invite Only – the 2016 Kids’ Choice Awards, the ultimate fan celebration of the best of everything kids love in pop culture. The nominees reflect the entertainment that audiences see, play, listen to and read in droves, from movies like ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’, ‘Jurassic World’ and ‘Pitch Perfect 2’, to a host of television shows, music, gaming, books and more. Highlights from this year’s list of nominees include
When you are signed to the best, you roll with the best. Last Night, following the 2015 MTV Video Music Award’s, the winners of the moon man headed to the Republic Record VMA After Party at Ysabel in West Hollywood. Republic Records teamed up Marriot Rewards to honor the performances and victories of The Weeknd, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Nick Jonas and more. Taylor Swift received the award for Best