RSVP – Hulu’s Welcome to Chippendales Experience will offer a fully-immersive sneak peek into the good, the bad and the murderous details surrounding the origin of the Chippendales brand that are further highlighted in the series. The in-person activation will transport guests into the series to 1979 West Hollywood, where the story begins, showcasing key elements, including the club’s humble beginnings, transformation to a thriving enterprise, all the way to
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Purchase – Join Lance Bass, Bubble Tap Trailer and Rocco’s West Hollywood at the countdown/pre-party at Rocco’s Drive Through Party taking place Saturday, June 13th from 12 pm – 3 pm where guests will be able to order and pick up a party box ahead of LA’s 50th Anniversary Pride Special. Attendees will receive both an EMAIL and a TEXT MESSAGE with the login info for the Virtual Celebration taking