On Thursday, March 14, MCM celebrated the anticipated opening of their Global Flagship location on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, CA with an exclusive red carpet VIP reception. Upon entering the Flagship, guests were welcomed by Pepper, a MCM-branded interactive robot capable of greeting guests with a fist-bump and answering questions about the brand and event, which featured futuristic art installations and activations including an embossing station for MCM custom
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In the midst of BET Weekend, Bally celebrated the 30th anniversary of Slick Rick’s debut album The Great Adventures of Slick Rick, at their Rodeo Drive store with guest of honor Slick Rick featuring a guest DJ set by Snoop Dogg. The event was a celebration of the 30th anniversary of Rick’s debut album, originally released on November 1, 1988. LL Cool J and Quincy Brown celebrated in style wearing