Neon Carnival, the legendary late-night dance party of the year made its triumphant return to the Desert International Horse Park celebrating its thirteenth year. Created by LA’s original nightlife mastermind Brent Bolthouse and producing partner Jeffrey Best, this year’s 13th exclusive celebration came to life for one night only. Presented by Liquid I.V. in association with PATRÓN EL ALTO and The Levi’s® Brand, the after-party returned with a vibrant new chapter; upping the ante on musical talent with an
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Invite Only – Desert Nights by TAO Hospitality Group will make its return to the desert, adding on a third night to their iconic, invite-only celebration held at a breathtaking, private estate minutes from the festival with special performances by Rüfüs Du Sol, SG Lewis, Dom Dolla, and John Summit. PATRÓN EL ALTO will take Desert Nights by TAO Group to new heights as the Exclusive Spirits Partner for the
Invite Only – PATRÓN EL ALTO has teamed up with Gallery Desert House by Gallery Media Group to provide festival goers with the ultimate desert oasis filled with non-stop entertainment, art, music, and signature serves featuring the incredibly smooth, PATRÓN EL ALTO. For two days, PATRÓN EL ALTO will offer guests the opportunity to purchase western wear from the high-end, luxury brand Kemo Sabe, and enjoy sets from renowned-DJs, including
Invite Only – Desert Nights by TAO Hospitality Group will make its return to the desert, adding on a third night to their iconic, invite-only celebration held at a breathtaking, private estate minutes from the festival. PATRÓN EL ALTO will take Desert Nights by TAO Group to new heights as the Exclusive Spirits Partner for the event, offering their incredibly smooth, handcrafted, prestige tequila, PATRÓN EL ALTO, that elevates any