Neon Carnival, the legendary late-night dance party of the year made its triumphant return to the Desert International Horse Park celebrating its thirteenth year. Created by LA’s original nightlife mastermind Brent Bolthouse and producing partner Jeffrey Best, this year’s 13th exclusive celebration came to life for one night only. Presented by Liquid I.V. in association with PATRÓN EL ALTO and The Levi’s® Brand, the after-party returned with a vibrant new chapter; upping the ante on musical talent with an
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Ticketed – Variety returns for its annual Entertainment Marketing Summit, presented by Deloitte on April 24. This one-day event will identify the best opportunities to engage today’s evolving audiences and consumers who continue to be fast-moving targets across growing media platforms. The event includes networking opportunities, in-person panel discussions, keynote conversations, lunch and a cocktail hour.
Ticketed – In honor of Pride Month and to kick off Summer of Sliving, Paris Hilton is hosting a one-night-only LA Pride Party at the Historic Fonda Theatre in Hollywood. This celebration of queer culture, music, and joy will feature exclusive performances by Paris Hilton and a variety of special guests including GRAMMY Award-winning pop stars.
Open – Discover PARIS: The Memoir during an exciting launch event at Barnes & Noble! The publication of this deeply personal and surprisingly profound memoir coincides with the non-profit initiative “I Am” to promote social good, female empowerment and encourage everyone to be themselves.
Paris Hilton and Klarna hosted a VIP launch party for ‘House of Y2K’ – an interactive pop-up located on 8070 Melrose Avenue, which explores the evolution of fashion, beauty, and tech trends over three floors of glamorous activations and immersive installations featuring Paris’ most iconic looks, alongside additional decade-defining items. A variety of apparel, accessories and tech from Paris Hilton’s personal Y2K archives were on display, including the denim promo
Open – Opening on February 24, the House of Y2K explores the evolution of shopping from the turn of the millennium to now, showcasing a curated selection of Paris Hilton’s personal items from the period alongside the launch of a limited-edition velour tracksuit, exclusively available on Klarna
CELINE took over The Wiltern Theatre for the Women winter 2023 show, an iconic Los Angeles landmark. Named after the intersection of its location: Wilshire Boulevard and Western Avenue, the Wiltern theatre was built in 1931 alongside the adjoining, twelve-story Pellissier building, by architect stiles o. Clements of morgan. The show-themed “Age of Indieness” was cast, styled, and designed by none other than creative director Hedi Slimane. The stars aligned
Last night in Los Angeles, Spotify hosted its 2022 Wrapped Playground event in celebration of 2022 Spotify Wrapped, the annual year-end reveal of the top music and podcasts that soundtracked the year for listeners. This year’s Wrapped is all about self-expression and play, and in honor of that, Spotify created a fully immersive carnival-themed experience with custom rides, interactive games, and special content moments all highlighting insights from this year’s
Invite Only – Paris Hilton is back to throw an unforgettable party where guess will Slive all night long at the Santa Monica Pier at her Slivingland Party on 11:11.
Casamigos outdid themselves once again with their annual “Brought to You by Those Who Drink It” Halloween party. This year’s party took place at a private home in Beverly Hills with branded moments throughout from custom LED-lit lucite logos on the front hedges of the home to the photo moments and content to the specialty-designed bars. Cindy Crawford and Casamigos Co-Founder Rande Gerber wore costumes inspired by Yellowstone. Megan Fox