CBS presents “Summer of Ghosts,” a delightful immersive campaign in honor of the “recently departed” first season of the CBS Original series Ghosts – and its upcoming sophomore season this fall. Throughout the summer, muli-city in-person events and unique Web3 metaverse experiences will celebrate the spirited title characters and living leads of TV’s #1 new comedy. Each character will be honored with distinctive “to die for” activations, bringing their individual
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Ticketed– A family-oriented food festival believing in bringing people together through the collective love of food. Known for mixing food and fashion– we connect the best brands and the tastiest restaurants to create limited one-of-a-kind collaborative food and merchandise items exclusively available at our event! An immersive festival experience perfectly pairing the streetwear and culinary worlds with real-life entertainment. At Family Style you’re able to order from the delicious food
Invite Only – Celebrities and VIPs will celebrate the second season premiere of “This is LA,” a lifestyle show created by Circle 8 Productions, at Yamashiro, which translates to “Hilltop Mansion,” set against the stunning backdrop of Hollywood. Premiering on CBS, “This is LA” will showcase the most exciting and trendiest topics and businesses around the Los Angeles region, with local influencers taking viewers through the hidden gems Los Angeles
On Wednesday, May 3, Circle 8 Productions celebrated the premiere of their new show, This is LA, at the newly remodeled Yamashiro restaurant in Hollywood. The event was held to launch the new lifestyle program that features the hottest new local businesses, restaurants, trends, products, and weekend getaways. The program will provide an inside look into the fast paced and ever changing landscape of Southern California, with an emphasis on
Invite Only – The People’s Choice Awards and CBS announced today that comedian and star of CBS’ “The Great Indoors,” Joel McHale, will host People’s Choice Awards 2017, honoring fan favorites in movies, music, TV and digital. The winners will be announced during the live broadcast from Microsoft Theater L.A. Live, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017 on the CBS Television Network.
Register – Every Thursday, Bill Maher invites his fans to enjoy an hour of comedy as he prepares for his HBO show “Real Time with Bill Maher”. This is a small intimate venue where Bill is often just a few feet away. If you are a fan of Bill Maher, current events, or comedy; you will enjoy this FREE comedy show.