PrettyLittleThing hosted an extravagant star-studded party celebrating the launch of their new collection with Kourtney Kardashian at West Hollywood nightclub Poppy. Kourt arrived at the party from La Petite Taqueria giving some serious “Studio 54, 70s glam” vibes, perfectly complementing the collection of sequin mini dresses, fur jackets, silk jumpsuits and neon colors. “My inspiration behind the collection was studio 54, 70s Cher vibes, we wanted to do bright colors like, add a little life to it with sequins and faux fur and it’s turned out really amazing. It’s been amazing working with PrettyLittleThing because it’s fun accessible fast fashion,” Kourtney said on the collection. The party was filled with celebs, where guests received a black bomber jacket from the new line. Diddy even jumped on the mic for a performance that got the party hyped up. It was definitely a night to remember in true PrettyLittleThing fashion.
Tags: Diddy, Kendall Jenner, Kourtney Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian by PrettyLittleThing, LA Guestlist, POPPY, PrettyLittleThing, west hollywood, Wiz Khalifa
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