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Important Things That You Need for Your Yoga Class

Going to a yoga class is rewarding and enjoyable, especially if it’s a regular class you attend with your friends or colleagues. There’s nothing quite like ending a hectic week or preparing for a stressful day with a good yoga session. The relaxation and focus that comes from yoga are truly game-changing.

However, for those of us who aren’t regulars to yoga, it can cause a little bit of panic. Lots of questions can arise very quickly such as; “Do I know what I’m doing?” or “Do I have everything I need?” Well, let’s try and relieve that stress just a little. Below you will find a list of important things you need for your yoga class. Remember, too, that no matter what equipment you have, clothes you wear or poses you perform, yoga studios are not places for judgment.

Your Yoga Mat

The most obvious bit of gear you’ll be needing for your yoga class is your mat. There are a huge variety of mats available these days made in a whole host of different materials and styles. We checked out a cork yoga mats guide to find some of the nicest new cork mats out there; something we’d really recommend. Your mat is your space within the class to find your grounding energy, your flow, and your focus. This is why cork mats are becoming more popular. They are durable, lightweight, environmentally friendly, and give a really nice earthy feel to your yoga practice.

Of course, there are multiple other mats available. Cheaper foam and plastic mats will do you just fine if that’s what you want. Or, maybe you want one with a fun design on it. Again, this is fine. You should practice your yoga on whatever makes you feel most comfortable. Just make sure you’ve got a mat of your own to take to class.

Towel and Water

Despite being a relaxing and grounding practice, yoga does make you sweat. Whether you’re in a regular or hot yoga class, you’ll likely need a towel to wipe down both yourself and your mat at certain points. This is safest for everyone and nicer for your own hygiene. Obviously, losing a lot of sweat means you’re probably getting dehydrated. Make sure you take water. A fancy water bottle is nice, sure, but just make sure you’ve got water with you whatever you carry it in.

Appropriate Clothing

In certain areas, it feels like yoga has turned into a bit of a fashion show. There is such lovely exercise gear out there now it can be a bit daunting to turn up to a class comparing ourselves to others in the class. Again, this is not what yoga is or should be about. For yoga, you need to be comfortable and covered up! This is why most wear leggings and tighter tops. You’re going to be bent over forwards, backward, and sideways when performing yoga poses, so you don’t want a loose tee that’s going to fall over your face or shorts that are going to ride up! Wear for comfort, ease of movement, and confidence.

Blocks or Straps

Some of us require the use of blocks or straps to help with certain stretches. The blocks help elevate parts of our bodies off the ground where we can’t quite do so ourselves, while straps help us form poses that we can’t fully reach. These tools are designed to both aid with yoga and prevent injury, so if you feel like you need them, take them. Do not be ashamed, we’re not all as flexible as one another!

Good Energy!

Finally, and most importantly, you need to take a good vibe with you! Yoga is great for the body and the mind but going in with a negative feeling will only hinder your practice. We have said time and time again there’s no need to compare yourself or your equipment with the others around you in class. You’re all there for the same reasons and want to achieve the same things, so go in with a smile and your head held high and get the most out of that class.

So, whether it’s your first or thousandth yoga class, having these items with you will leave you ready to take on any pose comfortably. Remember to take your time and relax into your session, and that there is absolutely no pressure on you to have the same gear or perform the same way as any of your classmates. A smile and a stretch go a long way!