Tinder hosted its Festival Mode Launch Party in Los Angeles with pop star Charli XCX, as the headliner. Hot on the heels of the launch of her latest album, CRASH, Charli performed Baby and New Shapes, in addition to classics like I Love It and Boys. The event celebrated the official return of IRL music festivals and the upcoming launch of Festival Mode launching on Tinder, Thursday, April 14th, which will help users make new connections before attending some of the biggest music festivals worldwide. To get music lovers ready for the first true festival season in years, Tinder brought in exciting festival-inspired partners ranging from EUPHORIA’s nail artist, Natalie Minerva, to LA mainstay Shamrock Social Club Tattoos and La Bananita for custom-made, hand-dyed attire. Guests were also invited to capture new photos for their Tinder profiles during custom portrait sessions.
Tags: Charli XCX, Festival Mode Launch Party, La Bananita, LA Guestlist, Los Angeles, Natalie Minerva, Shamrock Social Club Tattoos, Tinder, Tinder Festival Mode, Tinder Festival Mode Party
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