On Thursday, December 1st, 2016, in Hollywood, Ca, Lilly Ghalichi and Leyla Milani hosted the HAIRtamin ‘Goes Hollywood’ event with celebrity guests and beauty influencers, indulging in a night filled with glitz, glamour and beautiful hair at Warwick. The HAIRtamin soiree celebrated the launch of their new men’s collection for the natural nourishing hair supplement. The night also included a balloon drop, burlesque-themed dance performances, with celebrity guests and top beauty influencers enjoying cocktails, tray passed mini burger sliders and appetizers, and delightful dessert treats, and enjoying music spun by one of Warwick’s hottest resident deejays. Notable guests included: Mario Lopez, Grethen Rossi, Erica Mena, Gus Carr, Abigail Ratchford and Daphna Joy.
Tags: ‘Goes Hollywood’, Abigail Ratchford, Erica Mena, Grethen Rossi, Gus Carr, HAIRtamin, LA Guestlist, Leyla Milani, Lilly Ghalichi, Los Angeles, Mario Lopez, Warwick
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