We could all do a little better when it comes to our carbon footprint and the amount we waste. We spend a lot of our time cruising through life accepting that certain things are the way they are and that there’s not much we can do about it. However, that doesn’t have to be true.
We don’t have to just accept plastic waste being eaten by animals, food being thrown away, or clothes and furniture going to landfill sites. There are many things that you as an individual can do to help to reduce waste. The best part is, if we all do it together, we’ll make a huge difference.
Sustainability Explained
Sustainability is the broad term given to meeting our individual and collective needs without compromising future generations’ ability to follow suit. In effect, not using up everything on the planet so that anyone who comes after us is left with little natural resources to use. There are many people promoting sustainable lifestyles now, for good reason. In fact, in 2019, a CDG survey found that over 70% of Americans believed sustainability to be an important factor in their lives and their shopping habits. So the issue is getting more traction than ever before.
Why Is It Important?
None of this is sustainable. Factors like the burning of fossil fuels and filling landfill sites are contributors to global warming, while plastic waste is causing thousands of species to become extinct. It’s a worldwide issue and needs tackling fast. Countries around the world are beginning to commit themselves to reduce waste and pollution, but you can help right now.
Top Tips For Reducing Waste
We don’t want to see the world get sicker but we feel helpless. What exactly can you do to reduce your own waste? Take a look at our tips below, as recommended by environmental experts and climate scientists alike.
– Shop Plastic-Free
We’ve already mentioned plastic multiple times, for good reason. Plastic takes hundreds of years to biodegrade, meaning plastic waste stays in its form for many, many years before changing at all. This creates a huge danger to fish, birds, and other marine life. Many animals are tangled up in plastic waste and killed, while others eat it creating toxicity in their bodies and eventually killing off entire species. To get yourself started on shopping plastic-free, take canvas reusable bags to the shops and buy only vegetables with no plastic packaging.
– Refill Your Bottle
More plastic! Water – an entirely natural part of life – has become a commodity that is bottled and sold to us, despite it being readily available naturally. Use water fountains and taps to refill a reusable bottle instead of buying more plastic bottles
.- Recycle More
Believe it or not, we weren’t regularly recycling two decades ago. In the UK, for example, the recycling bill only came into force in 2003! Now, recycling bins are regular fixtures of home and public life. Make every effort to recycle products. It makes a huge difference to landfill and the over-production of plastics.
– Buy Second Hand
Waste can also relate to non-food-related items such as clothing and household goods. People like to upgrade, which is fine, but then they often throw their old products away without a second thought. We need to buy and sell second-hand items more regularly to reduce the huge amounts of clothing, furniture, personal technology, and household devices ending up in the dump.
– Food Waste = Compost
Food waste is an unfortunate part of life. Even the most strict of meal planners may make mistakes and be left with unwanted produce. However, this food can be reused as compost instead of (once again) ending up in landfill sites. Compost waste is perfect for use on vegetable patches or flowerbeds. In effect, this means that you can use compost to help you grow more food for yourself, further reducing your commercial shopping and waste.
All of these steps may seem small, but when they are added up they can make a terrific difference in how much you waste – especially if the whole family is involved. Believe us, it makes a difference to the planet if you do this. We can only hope that more and more of us adopt these methods as soon as possible.
Tags: biodegrade, Compost, fossil fuels, natural resources, plastic waste, Plastic-Free, Recycle, reduce waste, Reducing Waste, Refill Your Bottle, Second Hand, sustainable lifestyles, wholepeople
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