We are well past the day and age when “alternate” lifestyles had to be seen as negative, unholy, and disgraceful – most of us are at least. There is a long history of groups of people being scorned for their lifestyle choices, because those choices do not comply with the “norm” that society seems to impose upon the masses. The hippies of the 60s are probably the first in modern history to have been denigrated as a group, quickly followed by civil rights activists and student protesters during the Vietnam War. The entire period of the 60s, often characterized by free love and drug use, certainly defied societal norms.
Hollywood celebrities have also been the focus of plenty of denigration because their lavish lifestyles and all that have come with them, are the subject of aspersion from those who promote what they consider a “moral” life.
Progress Has Been Made
Fortunately, we are over a lot of this. Hippies are old now and are part of a more “normal” group known as progressives; civil rights movements have resulted in major steps forward for racial minorities, and anti-discrimination laws and court decisions have given some semblance of equality at least (although there has been some backsliding). But what about those whose lifestyles are within the LGBTQ+ community? How are they faring in this land of equality and opportunity? The answer? Not all that well.
Equality for All Remains a Dream for the LGBTQ+ Community
Certainly, we have made some progress in achieving equality for this segment of society. Gays have been given legal partnership status and may marry in all 50 states, thanks to a 2015 Supreme Court Decision. Outdated laws that made homosexuality a deviant crime are off the books. But that Court decision is in jeopardy, as new cases are in process to overturn that decision. But the fact that many celebrities in the entertainment and sports world have openly announced their gay and lesbian statuses has certainly helped to promote the “normalcy” of gay lifestyles.
And all of this does not mean that gays have actual equality in reality. There are still those in society who see them as deviants; hate crimes still abound. And traditional religious groups and retailers still refuse to serve their needs. Enter transgenders. Here is an entirely unique lifestyle choice that has brought out a whole new level of discrimination.
The “War” Against the Transgender Community
Since the beginning of 2023, a total of 417 laws have been passed in state legislatures that impact the transgender community, especially trans youth. Such laws impact access to health care and drag performances most commonly, but there are also laws so specific that they control which bathroom transgender youth and adults can use and their sports participation. Just access a free trans chat at any online dating service that serves the LGBTQ+ community, and you will get an earful of how this community experiences discrimination and inequality in their daily lives.
There is a large segment of conservative society that sees transgenders as deviants to be scorned and run “underground” where they belong. And they do not see this lifestyle as a choice but as a result of the indoctrination by demonic people.
Much Remains to Be Done
The entire LGBTQ+ community still faces inequality. Their existence is being wiped from public school curricula (e.g., Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law), the banning of books that address the topic, and legal threats to their status as equal citizens before the law. Is there an optimistic bent to this story? Yes. Younger generations are accepting of all lifestyle choices, and they must be urged to vote for state and national candidates who support equality for all groups. And the voices of celebrities who have influence must be loud and proud.
Hollywood definitely has a role to play and so far, it is doing just that. While things may look discouraging right now, over time this will pass. Everyone who is an ally of the LGBTQ+ community must continue to press for change.
Tags: 417 laws, free trans chat, LGBTQ+ community, Lifestyle Choices, Progress, Promoting Equality, taimi, Transgender Community
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