How to Easily Minimize Conflict and Stress While Going Through a Divorce
No one gets married happily in hopes of getting a divorce. Yes, it is an option when things seem unyielding. However, we vow to live happily ever after, and sometimes, life does happen to the best of us.
Why Divorce Can Be Stressful
Divorce and separation can be one of the most stressful periods in one’s life. This is because apart from the emotional toll it takes on you, it comes with financial responsibilities, court proceedings, and other events that ridicule the time spent with your partner previously. Whatever the reason for the divorce, it still brings your once-ordered life to some chaos. When a relationship goes awry, it comes with so much pain, disappointment, and heartbreak. All this upheaval in one’s life leads to stress and exertion.
What You Should Do
1. Get A Good Lawyer
This is an important part and the first step of your divorce process. It is not just about getting a lawyer now, and you need a good lawyer. One who takes your case seriously has the expertise and is experienced in matters relating to divorce. Your lawyer should be able to understand your situation and be dedicated to helping you get exactly what you deserve. Be sure to get a divorce lawyer in your state for a more hands-on approach. For example, if you are in Florida, then a lawyer should be able to handle your case with ease. Know that a good lawyer can make this experience a lot easier to deal with; so, do not compromise while hiring one.
2. You’re Not Alone
At this point, no one feels and understands your hurt better than you do, which is why it is normal to feel so alone even when surrounded by family. Do you know what eases the pain you feel? Meeting someone neutral like a therapist can help you voice your fears, disappointments, and concerns without being judged. Also, family and friends help most divorcees get through this tough period, especially if they have dealt with it themselves.
3. One Step At A Time
Once the decision to get a divorce is final, the rest of your life starts to play out most ominously. If not controlled, this is the reason depression starts to set in. The best thing to do at this time is to take each day as it comes. As gloomy as the coming days, weeks, years may seem, they will not be as disastrous as foreseen. Focus on doing life one day at a time and don’t try to rush the healing process as this just makes it harder on you.
4. Breaks Are Allowed
No one expects you to be so productive at this stage of your life. Take some time to feel all that comes with your divorce. Excuse yourself from work, as this is the best time to care for yourself. Spoil yourself if needed and be unapologetic about it. If you can afford it, take a travel break. Go somewhere that affords you the precipice to steer your life in a different direction from what you had envisaged previously. Just breathe, take time off and be easy on yourself.
5. Shut Out The Noise
Most times, the thought of what others will say once the news of your divorce gets out, can cause more stress to you. For your mental health and recovery, shut out the noise in your head and those from critics. If you pay attention to what others say about your divorce or how your character is being defamed, you will only set yourself up for more emotional turmoil.
6. Make Yourself Happy
No other time seems more crucial for this act of service than now. You owe yourself the happiness that the events around you seem to try to snuff out of your life. Take yourself out, hang out with friends, some retail therapy, see a movie, etc., do rewarding things that lighten your mood. A marriage doesn’t dictate your happiness, and breaking free from a situation that doesn’t serve you is definitely something worth celebrating.
7. Exercise
Whatever form of workout that you can kick in, please do. This isn’t the time to be sedentary. Get active to stay healthy, clear your head, and get your blood pumping. Exercise helps release endorphins in the body, which are natural pain killers and feel-good hormones to keep you in good spirits and eliminate anxiety.
Although these pointers above are helpful, nothing can cause the change you want to see as much as you. The power of your decision to live a better life void of stress and anxiety is solely in your hands.