How A Clean Home Gives You Healthy Skin
You probably already know that eating healthy and exercising regularly are great for your skin. These kinds of lifestyle choices ensure proper blood flow and provide nutrients to your skin so that it has a healthy look. But something that often is overlooked when it comes to skincare is how clean your home is. The level of cleanliness in your home can directly determine how youthful and healthy your skin appears. If you feel like you’re putting on a lot of makeup to cover blemishes and you’re frustrated with the health of your skin, you may not have noticed how your home is affecting your skin health. Let’s look at how a home’s tidiness affects the appearance of your skin.
Allergy Symptoms
Even if you have no known allergies, you can still experience allergy-like symptoms because of irritants in your environment. Whether it’s pollen, dust, dust mites, or even heat, your skin can suffer from irritation and your sinuses experience allergy symptoms. Various irritants in your home can cause an allergic reaction that gives you symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, congestion, tiredness, and skin flushing. These kinds of symptoms will be visible on your face and on your skin. They’re not just affecting your sinuses and the inside of your body.
When you clean your home, you get rid of a lot of pests and other irritants. Experts from will explain how this process of cleaning out your home can remove pests like roaches that leave behind dander and other irritants. That’s why you may notice an improvement in your skin health after a thorough cleaning session. Of course, cleaning can put dust into the air and cause even more irritation, so if you’re prone to allergy symptoms, you might not want to do the cleaning yourself. You may prefer to use great house cleaners in San Antonio or LA to handle that so you can avoid the experience of more allergy symptoms and keep your skin looking clear.
Anxiety and Stress
One of the surprisingly negative effects of an untidy home is that it increases your stress levels. If your home is cluttered and disorganized and it’s not getting cleaned very often, it’s likely to cause you stress. Even if you don’t mind having a dirty home, the effects of untidiness can have a cumulative negative impact on your stress levels. The clutter in your home can tell your brain that there’s more to do and that your work is not finished. This creates a sense of anxiety and can make it hard for you to focus. Just having an uncluttered workstation makes it much easier for you to concentrate, so imagine the mental improvements that come from keeping your entire home clean.
Of course, stressing out and feeling anxious can have an effect on your skin as well. The mental stress creates physical problems, causing skin blemishes, rashes, and other imperfections that can be difficult and frustrating to deal with. If you find yourself constantly breaking out for no reason, you may be able to trace those breakouts to moments of stress. You will compound the stress by having an untidy home. One of the simplest ways to reduce stress on a large scale is to keep your home clean. This is probably the place where you spend the most time, so it makes sense to have it tidy and make it as stress-free of an environment as possible. If even your subconscious feels at ease in your own home, that’s going to have a positive effect on your overall health, influencing how your skin looks and providing a variety of other benefits.
Contact Rashes
There is any number of particles in your home that can come into contact with your skin and cause some form of irritation. We’re not just talking about allergy symptoms here but contact rashes. From dust to pest dander and from pest droppings to chemical substances, there are so many different particles in the home that could cause you to develop a rash on your skin. That might be a little tough to cover up with makeup, especially if it’s widespread.
If you do your cleaning after you come home from work in the afternoons, then you’ll get rid of a lot of the irritants that can cause rashes. Even if you come into contact with some of these while you are cleaning, the rashes will probably have cleared up by morning when you’re going back out. If you keep your home tidy, you’ll help to cut down all these kinds of irritants in your environment. You also want to be aware of cleaning chemicals that could cause contact rashes, as well as different kinds of pests that may come into your home and create irritation. Regular cleaning and maintenance in your home can keep pests out and make your home tidy.
Final Thoughts
If you’re someone who spends a lot of time, thought, and energy on their skincare routine, then why not do what you can to make your skin as healthy as possible? Eating right and exercising go a long way toward giving you healthy skin, but keeping a clean home is important as well. Here are a few tips we want to leave you with so that you spend less time tidying your home and so that it stays neat and clean throughout the week:
– clean as you go
– have a cleaning schedule for your home
– encourage others in your home to clean up after themselves
– clean up spills and messes as they occur
– keep your garbage covered
– clean the kitchen after every meal to cut down on pests
– close doors and windows during allergy season
– change out air filters several times a year
– have your home professionally cleaned every so often
If you follow these tips, you should experience fewer problems with the health of your skin. You’ll make your home look and feel more inviting, and you’ll likely be healthier overall as a result. Making sure that your home stays clean does more than just benefit your skin. It also improves your mental and physical health and often helps you to sleep better at night. Who knew that house cleaning could be so beneficial?