When you are buying a new home, it is not entirely uncommon to discover that the home that you are buying does not have adequate insulation or has no insulation at all. This can, quite frankly, be an absolute nightmare. With that said, having new installations installed does not have to be particularly expensive, and what you do have to spend will be well spent and ensure that you save money on your energy bills and have great insulation in your home. One of the best ways to get your walls insulated is spray insulation, which can be blown into the walls.
In this article, we are going to tell you what the benefits of spray foam insulation are. You have a lot of options when it comes to having insulation installed in your home, but in our opinion, spray foam is definitely the best. Here are the benefits of foam insulation that you need to know.
Heating and Cooling
Spray foam insulation is one of the best options when it comes to having foam installed in your home, mainly because of its heating and cooling abilities. Other types of insulation do not have the ability to heat and cool. Spray foam can fill in small cracks and crevices, preventing water and air from getting into your home. This means, it can keep out the heat, and it can keep out the cold, meaning in the summers you can stay cool, and in the winters you can stay warm. What’s not to like about that?
Noise Reduction
Yes, spray foam can actually reduce noise from getting into your home. The spray foam specialists from asifoam.com explain that only the highest qualities and craftsmen should be used for the installation of spray foam, and if they are, this means that you will have a massive reduction of outdoor noise. Spray foam can dull noise, preventing it from getting into your home, basically soundproofing your home.
Allergens, Pollen, and Pollutants
For many people, allergens, pollen, and pollutants can be an absolute nightmare, especially if they get into your home. If you have asthma or any lung conditions, it is best that you do have this type of foam, so that you can ensure that you will not fall sick, take ill, or suffer from the side-effects of being exposed to pollen or allergens in your home. Your home should be your safe space – you should not have to worry about the air that you breathe there.
Pests and Vermin
A big problem for many people is pests and vermin getting into their home, whether into the house or into the walls. Well, by having foam insulation you will actually block and prevent any vermin or pests from being able to get in. Pests and vermin do generally come in through the walls in your home. By having the walls completely blocked and insulated, pests and vermin will be unable to get in.
Mould is a problem for a lot of homes. Mold grows in damp and humid environments, which our homes can often be, and which our walls can be. Spray foam, thankfully, can prevent moisture from getting into your home. Mould can be a very big problem, especially in older homes. If mold is not treated, it can contribute to a number of respiratory illnesses and diseases. Anything that prevents mold is, in my opinion, great!
Sturdiness Of Your Walls
Foam insulation is dense and hard, which means that it strengthens the structure of your walls. There are a number of ways that the insulation in your walls can weaken, with snow, earthquakes, and storms being potential ways. Insulating your home is a great way to ensure that your home sticks together and is strong. Your home will become infinitely sturdier if you install spray insulation because any gaps or crevices in your wall will become instantly filled.
Foam insulation has a much longer lifespan than non-foam insulation. They are not short-term solutions, but rather, long-term solutions, whereas Styrofoam and fiberglass are short-term solutions and should not be viewed as a way to insulate your home for the time that you live there. Foam insulation has a very long lifespan, and because of this, you should always get it instead. It can also save you a lot of money.
Environmentally Friendly
Spray foam is an environmentally friendly option when it comes to insulating your home. Other forms of insulation are not environmentally friendly. Spray foam, however, lowers your energy consumption, and lasts considerably longer, meaning you have to have it replaced less frequently.
Now, with this article, you should be well aware of all of the benefits of foam insulation in your home. Yes, we hope to have explained it all thoroughly so that you understand exactly why foam insulation is far superior to other types of insulation. We hope that you will come back and join us again soon. Thank you for reading.
Tags: Allergens, asifoam, Cooling, Environmentally Friendly, fiberglass, Heating, LA Guestlist, Los Angeles, Mould, Noise Reduction, Pests, Pollen, Pollutants, Spray foam, Styrofoam, Vermin
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