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6 Things Every Biker Needs to Know

Whether you enjoy biking or you are new to it, there are a few essential things that you must know. Fortunately, cycling is straightforward and you do not need much to get into the hobby. With a good bicycle and the right gear, you can enjoy it and remain safe. The following are a few things that every biker needs to know.

1. Be Defensive

When riding, you need to be a lot more defensive than when driving. The best way to stay safe is to assume that everyone on the road is out to hit you. Even though it may seem extreme, most people on the road do not pay as much attention to riders as they should. Situations that would be minor inconveniences when driving could be life-threatening on a bike.

2. Get an Affordable Bike

Want to have stylish and powerful bikes, they aren’t the best option for beginners. About half of all bike wrecks occur within the first six months of riding. Even when you are confident in your ability to ride, beginner bikes get old fast. Investing too much money on them may be wasteful. Save your money for when you have some experience.

3. You Need Safety Gear

When riding your bike, wearing safety gear is essential. Your first set of safety gear must be high-quality to guarantee maximum protection.

At the minimum, you need a pair of gloves, a helmet, and a biker jacket. While you may feel more comfortable riding in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt through hot and dry areas such as Texas roads, these do not offer the protection you may need. Dallas is known for having worrying amounts of motorcycle accidents every year, and those who were ever involved in a motorcycle accident in Dallas know how important protective gear really is. When riding at high speed on wide highways, there is a significant risk of being hit by any larger motor vehicle. A proper helmet will protect you by minimizing the impact on your head.

Your helmet is one of the most important pieces of safety equipment when cycling. It can protect you from both minor and serious accidents. Other protective gear for your body include gloves, reinforced clothing, and mouth guards. Protective clothing has a secondary purpose as well. They are made from reflective material which improves visibility. They make it easy for drivers and other bikers to spot you.

4. You Need a Bike Fit

The fit of your bike is one of the most critical aspects of riding. An imperfect fit affects your riding experience significantly no matter how experienced you may be. There are two main elements to consider when trying to get the perfect fit: seat height, and reach. The seat should be high enough to ensure that your knees have a very slight bend after placing your foot at the bottom of your pedal stroke.

For the right reach, your torso and arms need to make an angle of about 45 degrees over your bike. If it is too short, your knees and arms may be too close to each other. If it is too long, your back may be sore.

5. Don’t Do Too Much Too Soon

One of the most common causes of injury for new riders is trying to cover too much mileage too soon. If you have a goal, you need to build up to it. Give your body enough time to adjust. When training, attempting to go too fast from the start may cause burnout. Warm-up for the first third of your ride and pick up from the second third.

6. Refuel

If you plan on riding for an hour or more, do not forget to refuel. Ensure that you have something to eat and some water. Snacks will keep you energized and water will reduce the risk of dehydration. Even though it might not seem important, failing to refuel has its consequences. It can put your body into a deficit and you may experience symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, confusion, and irritability. It can make your riding experience less pleasant.

Whether you are an expert biker or just starting out, there are a few important things to keep in mind. They include riding defensively, wearing protective gear, and getting the right bike. Having relevant information promotes safety and may improve your riding experience.

Even though riding may seem simple, failure to observe safety requirements may increase your risk of getting into an accident. It is, however, possible to get into an accident even when you ride defensively and wear reflective gear. If you do, consider seeking the help of a motorcycle accident attorney. They will help you get the compensation you deserve.