A commercial playground project is a huge investment and certainly an even bigger commitment. As a business entity, school, daycare organization, city park, or even a religious entity, you don’t know how much of responsibility such a project is. Think of the number of space needs and playground equipment you’re going to acquire in order to initiate the construction. Not to mention the numerous considerations you’ll have to take before putting the plan together.
After all, you’re creating a public playground for kids, many safety standards have to be considered. You’ll need expert insights into how children’s playgrounds are built, what are the legal requirements? and what to consider before establishing this project. Here are some pro tips that you’ll find really helpful if you’re thinking of putting up a commercial children’s playground.
Find Out Who Will Use the Playground
Knowing who your playground project is built for will help narrow your decisions and choices when it comes to the type of equipment you install. Children of different ages play differently and playgrounds designed for toddlers are difficult to use for older children, and vice versa. According to the guidelines of most public playground facilities in most countries and cities, all public playgrounds must have usable and accessible equipment by children and people of all abilities.
This means that at least half of the elevated structures in your playground must have ramps and similar gadgets that facilitate the access of people of all abilities. The equipment’s surfaces must be supported by cushioning materials for falls and must be accommodating to wheelchairs. This is in addition to many considerations regarding the number of children using your playground at the same time.
Know-How Much Space Is Available
Space planning is very important for building city playgrounds. You need to know how much space is available for your playground project. Find out whether you’re given a small area that can only accommodate limited equipment or if it’s going to be a large area that can be divided into multiple zones. Community playgrounds tend to take more space than expected. For example, your equipment area needs to extend beyond the playground zone, it also needs to be a cushioned area that extends outside the playing equipment zone. This is to prevent slips and falls, of course, as children tend to fall off swings and slides as they play in public spaces.
Know-How Much Time you Have
Before starting any construction project, you need to understand that these projects take time. If you’re planning for a community playground, you don’t want to announce the news before making sure your project will be ready in a few weeks, kids are easy to excite. Commercial systems manufacturing professionals from Moduplay recommend starting the planning process in the early spring if you’re doing this project for a school or daycare organization. This will give you enough time to finish the construction of the playground by the beginning of the school year. Remember to include the planning process in the time required for finishing your playground, even planning these projects can take months.
Decide Your Budget
Money might not be your biggest problem when you put out a children’s playground but your budget still decides what you can and cannot do. In the beginning, you need to know where the money you’re going to use for the playground is coming from. Do you have the cash in your savings account or are you going to arrange for a fundraising project to raise money for the playground? This will help you make better decisions when it comes to equipment if you’re planning to raise the money through fundraisers.
You’ll know exactly your funding goals when you know the type of equipment you’re going to install and the size of your playground. You’ll also be able to tailor your construction plans if you already made budget plans and know how much money you’re going to be able to fund for the project. Even if this means making sacrifices when it comes to the components of the playground and its overall scope and size.
Commercial playgrounds are built for a great purpose no matter how big of an investment they are. If you’re going to be dedicating a grand project like this for children, you need to make sure it meets all safety standards. You also need to make sure your equipment is usable and accessible by certain ages and by children of all abilities. Financial-wise, you need to know where the project funds are coming from and how much money is available for the project. This will help you prioritize your ideas and give up the unnecessary investments that don’t fit in your budget.
Tags: Budget, Commercial Playground, Community playgrounds, Equipment, equipment’s surfaces, moduplay, multiple zones, public playground, Space
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