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How To Effectively Treat Acne That’s Popping All Over Your Body

We all struggle with acne, and those random breakouts usually occur when you least expect it. It’s totally normal to have face acne when you’re stressed or you used the wrong cosmetics. However, some people deal with acne all the time and all over their bodies. Pimples are not related to a certain age or a certain area, and they can appear to children, teens, and adults in any part of the body. Although face acne is most common to occur, back acne has also become very popular that people have already named it “bacne”. Other body areas, such as the chest and shoulders, are also prone to acne and are known by many people.

Whether you struggle with pimples all the time or they occasionally appear, you should know how to effectively treat it without popping it. When you notice a pimple growing on your skin, it could be really tempting to touch and pop it. However, popping a pimple is one of the ways that can make it reappear or leave a permanent scar on your skin. Wrong acne treatments can be dangerous as well, as they may cause inflammation. If you feel that your pimples can’t be treated, then you haven’t used the right methods to deal with them. In this article, we will discuss how you can effectively treat acne that appears all over your body.

What is Acne?

Before you learn how to treat it, you have to first understand what is acne and why it appears on your skin. Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that happens when hair follicles and pores are closed or blocked by oil or dead skin cells. It can be caused by hormonal changes, harmful bacteria on the skin, excess oil, stress, or it could be due to genetics. Some scientists also claim that your diet plays an important role in the development of acne. For example, when you consume high glycemic food like carbohydrate-rich foods, your diet triggers the hormones that could make acne worse. Some people believe that chocolate and greasy food can cause breakouts, however, they have little to no effect on acne. Additionally, oil-free cosmetics and makeup do not affect acne, but certain ingredients must be avoided as they can clog the pores and help acne-causing bacteria to grow.

Back Acne

In addition to all the reasons that cause breakouts, acne is also affected by sweat, and certain medications and fabrics. These causes are usually the main reasons for the development of back acne or bacne. Bacne can be one of the worst types of acne because you may not be able to sit or lay on your back when the inflammation is too severe. To limit and prevent bacne breakouts, you must shower after workouts or whenever you sweat, exfoliate your back at least once a week, and wear loose-fitting clothes to let your skin breathe. Washing your back regularly and exfoliating weekly can remove the dead skin cells, excess oil, and dirt that could be clogging your pores. If you have already done that and you still struggle with bacne, try using tea tree oil on the breakout areas to prevent inflammation. Having a healthy diet with fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can also help reduce and prevent breakouts.

Face Acne

Although, bacne is considered the worst, face acne can lower a person’s self-esteem. Face acne can be irritating, especially if you suddenly have it on a special occasion. However, under any circumstances, you must not pop your pimples. If you regularly struggle with acne, you should start finding a treatment that’s suitable for your skin type and give it a try for at least 4 weeks to start seeing any progress. Any proper treatment will need time to remove the blockages on your pores to reduce the pimples. Avoid using a new treatment every couple of days as this may cause more breakouts, so keep using the same treatment for at least a month and a half before changing it.

If you have acne-prone skin and you feel that your face is unclean and greasy, don’t use scrubs. Using scrubs or exfoliating your face when it’s dirty can seem the only logical move to clean it. However, scrubs can irritate and pop the pimples, causing them to leave a scar and have more regular breakouts. Instead, you should clean your face with water and an oil-free cleanser or soap. If your skin type causes these breakouts, you should wash your face twice a day with the right soap or cleanser and after you sweat.

Sometimes we cannot avoid having acne breakouts, but we can do many things to treat and prevent them. If your skin is prone to pimples, then you must regularly wash the acne-prone areas and maintain a healthy diet. You can also consult a dermatologist to know what type of treatment you should be using. In case you rarely have any breakouts, then you should only treat it when it appears. Try applying ice for a couple of minutes and use acne masks to reduce inflammation. If you’re going out and you want to hide it, you can use pimple cover-up techniques using makeup or pimple patches.


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