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Having Trouble With Your Vertical Leap? Here Are Some Ways You Can Improve It

Our ability to jump can be an integral part of our overall fitness. Some people focus on these skills to improve their gymnastic abilities, or to help with volleyball and basketball. There isn’t one isolated activity that can improve your vertical leaps, however. Instead, it requires a combination of several different elements.

Perhaps this is an area you are currently working on. If you are struggling to know the way forward, look no further: That’s what this article is all about.

Use A Training Program

When there are so many different things you could do, it can be a struggle knowing how to bring it all together. Rather than being a case of trial and error, your exercise regime can be designed for you by experts. This can enable you to reap the benefits of other peoples’ experience, and save you wasting your time.

The internet is a great starting point, as always. If someone decides to download a free Vert Shock PDF they can discover success hacks for their workouts. It is great when such materials are also connected to ‘how to’ videos, or if they provide full eight-week programs. Some professionals say their methods can help people add four inches to their lift in less than an hour. Needless to say, these claims are enough to tempt many online visitors.

Review Your Progress

Begin by measuring how high you can currently jump. Why not put some chalk on your finger and touch the wall during your leap? Make sure you use a floor that is flat and hard.

Perform some jumps each day alongside your training, and use those moments to record your progress.

Do Traditional Exercises

Begin each session with some warm-up activities such as walking lunges. Do some traditional weight training two to three times weekly. Consider performing things like trap bar deadlifts or single-arm dumbbell snatches.

If you are weak you won’t have the strength to jump high. If your muscles are too bulky, it will slow you down and limit the lift. Squats can provide the best combination for you. Do three to ten every day, but take it slow and be patient with yourself. As you get faster, increase the resistance by wearing a weighted vest or adding weights. When you do this, it is essential that you maintain your speed.

Do Plyometric Exercises

Do these twice-weekly but always have a double-day gap between the sessions. Go online and check out such things as vertical reaches and jump squats, box jumps, broad jumps, and ankle hops. Bulgarian split squats are also great because they help you focus on one leg at a time.

The benefit of plyometric exercises is that they rely on your core strength and body weight to make the jumps.

Wear Suitable Shoes And Check Your Posture

Your shoes won’t be cheap but they will be essential. Consider such items as jump soles or strength shoes. They need to be resilient to all the stress you will put them under, and flexible enough for you to use your toes for the jumps.

It is easy to have a bad posture, especially if you are slumped in front of a computer all day. Either film yourself doing your exercises or ask a friend. The best thing to help your posture is to do plenty of core muscle exercises that focus on your hips and stomach.

Buy A Jump Rope

This can be a lightweight and inexpensive tool. If you are going to use it indoors, make sure the floor is hard and the ceiling is high! You will benefit if you spend between ten and thirty minutes a day on it. Needless to say, you may wish to break the sessions down into shorter sections.

It is important that you develop the strength of both legs equally for your vertical leaps. For this reason, always keep your legs together when you skip. If you are really strapped for cash, you can replicate this by jumping up and down the bottom step of your stairs.

It is also advisable to check out stretching exercises and leg curls, plus calisthenic activities such as push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks. Find out what your BMI (Body Mass Index) should be, and lose weight if you need to. Any surplus weight will inhibit your leaps.

When you use all the tools from your new armory, there will be exciting improvements in your vertical lifts. You will enjoy your sports more, and reap the benefits of all your hard work.