6 Activities That You Can Do During Your “Me Time”
Are you a victim of a tight daily routine that doesn’t let you make time for yourself? Well, everyone has been there. But remember, busy life shouldn’t restrict you from enjoying the littlest of activities that bring you joy. That’s exactly where you need “Me Time”.
Before you misjudge the title of “Me Time”. Let me tell you what it is.
Me Time doesn’t mean that you devote the whole day to yourself. It simply means to enjoy the time you get in the middle of work. Whether it takes minutes or hours, you need that time to comfort yourself from daily draining work.
In this article, We will walk you through 6 activities that you will enjoy easily during your busy schedule. Let’s keep reading.
6 Enjoyable “Me Time” Activities to Do
Here is a quick rundown of fun and fast activities that will keep you less stressed throughout the day. You don’t specifically have to schedule the whole day for this. It is completely okay to do them during your work hours.
Now refer to the list:
1. Unplug From the Digital World for a While
Your eyes need a screen-detox. From working and socializing for hours, your eyes and brain are stuck. To cure the strain on your eyes of PC and phone screens, unplug your Wi-Fi and keep the phone aside.
Instead of dumping into another gadget just stare at the sky and close your eyes for a while. Make a coffee for yourself. Walk around. Be calm and let your mind vibe with peace. Doing so seems easy but you will find it effective.
At first, it might look impossible for social media freaks. But eventually, you will understand how important it is to unplug from social media to have quality time. Let it be a few minutes. That is completely worth it.
2. Take Yourself to a Solo Date
Believe it or not, but a solo date is a thing.
Feeling bored of having the same lunch or dinner every day? Just grab your keys and drive to your favorite restaurant. Have your favorite dish there and you are good to go.
There is nothing awkward about eating out alone.
You may also take your favorite book with you and enjoy reading it while having your favorite sandwich and a cup of tea or coffee.
This might seem little but treating yourself is always a great way to enjoy “Me Time”.
3. Be Creative!
Another quality thing you can do in your “Me Time” is trying different things. Even during your work.
Just take out your pen and diary and start creating some art. Well, it shouldn’t have to be perfect. You just have to enjoy doing it.
You may bake a cake in the middle of work if you are working from home. Yeah, take a break and do it. But make sure you don’t lose track of time because such activities keep you going. Schedule it according to your workload.
Besides them, you may also go on a quick walk to film the outside. Especially parks to capture nature.
4. Engage In Healthy Hobbies
If you are a perfectionist, you might want to keep your Me Time activities health and fitness related. You have a lot of healthy options such as going on a walk, taking infrared saunas, and working out in the gym. The mentioned activities are highly recommended. All of them will provide you maximum relaxation and comfort.
Also, many fitness advisors say that working out and sitting in sauna baths relieve your body and lessen the strain on your brain.
5. Take a Power Nap
Who doesn’t love naps? of course everyone. You will be happy to know that napping increases your ability to function.
Moreover, a quick 30 minutes nap is something everyone looks up to, to relieve themselves.
A nice and small healthy nap improves your overall mood and makes you kick-start the pending work (of course, if you have any!).
6. Reconnect With a Childhood or School Friend
Last but not the least, friendship reconnections are always healthy and highly enjoyable.
Meeting your old friend is just like opening a diary full of thrilling and beautiful memories. Here I mentioned “Childhood or School Friend” because you have everlasting memories with them.
Opening up with your old friends without the fear of being judged relaxes to another level.
Finding out and spending your “Me Time” in the most enjoyable ways is very important.
I hope the above-mentioned activities will ease you enough and give you the power to fight stressful days.