Ticketed – Join us for an evening with Mike Bender and Doug Chernack, #1 New York Times bestselling authors and cofounders of Awkward Family Photos, as they celebrate the awkwardness of childhood with a lecture and book signing of Born to be Awkward.
Hear how AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com began, what Bender and Chernack have learned from the thousands of photos that have been submitted, and what makes childhood photos some of the most awkward of all. All event attendees are invited to embrace the uncomfortable photographic skeletons in their closets and participate in the fun by submitting their childhood photographs for a chance to be reviewed live by awkwardness experts Bender and Chernack.
The discussion will be moderated by media personality and MTV news correspondent SuChin Pak. Copies of Bender and Chernack’s newest book will be available for purchase following the lecture.