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6 Effective Ways To Increase Your Daily Protein Intake

Did you know that getting enough protein is important for your health? The recommended daily intake is around 50 grams of protein per day, but some research has shown that many people should be consuming more. A high protein intake assists with weight loss, as well as increases muscle mass, and improves overall health. Here are a few effective ways to increase your daily protein intake.

1. Eat Proteins First

When you eat a meal it is important that you eat the protein component first, especially before you eat any starches, so that it is better absorbed by the body. When you eat protein your body increases the production of a hormone in your gut that makes you feel full and satisfied. This means that you will feel less hungry and also leads to an increased metabolic rate after eating and during sleep, AND can assist in keeping your blood sugar and insulin levels from rising after eating.

2. Have a Protein Shake for Breakfast

A yummy smoothie or even a shake can be a great breakfast option. This does of course depend on the ingredients. Typically, smoothies are packed with a lot of fruit, veg, and even juice, but there is very little protein. Protein powders are an easy way to create a high-protein shake. There are many different types of powders on the market and are even plant-based options. According to plant-based protein powders are easier to digest than those such as whey and are just as good at building muscle. If you are lactose intolerant you should consider a plant-based protein powder.

Of all of the protein powders, whey protein powder has been studied the most and seems to be the best when it comes to helping you feel full. One scoop, which is about 28 grams of whey powder, typically gives you a massive 20 grams of protein. One typically doesn’t need to add more than one scoop of whey protein powder to a smoothie, or a shake, and having a protein shake really helps you start your day off on the right foot.

3. Replace Cereal with Eggs

Typical and popular breakfast foods, such as toast, bagels, and cereal, are notorious for being low in protein. Even oatmeal contains a dismal 6 grams per single serving. Three large eggs, on the other hand, will give you a whopping 19 grams of protein as well as other important nutrients. According to several separate studies, if one eats eggs for breakfast you should experience a reduced appetite and it should bide you over for several hours, meaning that you’ll eat less.

4. Eat Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a high-protein food. It offers about twice the protein of other types of yogurt. It can be eaten alone or paired with other foods, especially fruit.

5. Add Protein-Rich Foods to Your Salad

Salads are jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. A lot of people think that this makes them healthy for you, but they are not filling and leave you feeling hungry, or lead to hunger in an hour or two. Adding protein to your salad means that you get all of the goodness, and have a healthy meal that leaves you feeling full. Per 100-gram of the proteins below (that’s 3.5-oz) gives you the following amounts of protein:

– Chicken or turkey breast: 30 grams
– Tuna: 26 grams
– Salmon: 25 grams
– Cheese: 22 grams

If you are following a plant-based diet chickpeas are a great way to get in that extra needed protein. You can get as much as 15 grams of protein per cup. So be sure to add legumes to your salad and any other meal to make sure that you feel full and stay that way for long.

6. Have Cheese as a Snack

If you like cheese, you’re in for a treat. Cheese doubles as a tasty, filling snack and is high in protein and calcium. Snacks are a good way to get those additional grams of protein in a day, but you need to choose the right types. A lot of snacking food is not protein-rich. Chips, pretzels, and crackers have almost no protein value. Another great reason to choose cheese as your protein snack is because it doesn’t raise cholesterol levels much and can even be good for the heart.

It is really important that you get enough protein into your diet. A high protein intake enables you to gain muscle and lose unwanted weight, and can even improve your metabolic health. These have been just a few ways to increase your protein intake. Be sure to adopt the one that’s best for you and to try something new.


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